Top 10 Coolest WoW Mounts

Over 70% of World of Warcraft players agree that collecting mounts is one of the most rewarding aspects of the game.

As you traverse the vast realms of Azeroth, the mounts you choose not only reflect your achievements but also express your personal style and prestige.

From the ethereal glow of Invincible’s Reins to the fiery wings of Ashes of Al’ar, each mount carries a history and rarity that sets it apart from the hundreds available.

You’ve likely seen a fellow adventurer pass by on a mount that left you in awe, perhaps wondering how you could acquire such a prize.

While some of these coveted beasts are the spoils of epic battles and quests, others are testaments to dedication and a bit of luck.

Join us as we take a closer look at what makes these top 10 mounts so cool and how you might someday call them your own—if fortune favors you.


In the expansive world of Azeroth, certain mounts stand out as the coolest companions you can ride into battle or showcase to your friends. Among these, the rarest mounts often carry a certain prestige, signaling to others the dedication and skill you’ve poured into World of Warcraft.

You’re not just looking for any cool mount; you’re on the hunt for a secret mount, one that requires an elaborate series of steps or a stroke of luck to obtain.

The awe of discovering an awesome mount with stunning visual effects is unmatched. It’s about the rush you get when its unique animation plays for the first time under your command. Whether it’s a mythical beast engulfed in flames or a shimmering dragon that weaves through the clouds, each mount brings its own flavor to your in-game experience.

Invincible’s Reins

As you seek out these elusive treasures, Invincible’s Reins emerges as a legendary mount shrouded in the lore of Azeroth and coveted by adventurers across the realm. This majestic steed belonged to none other than Arthas Menethil, the infamous Lich King, making it a symbol of power and conquest. You’ll find its drop chance is part of what fuels the legend, with only the most persistent or fortunate players boasting about taming this spectral horse.

To have a shot at claiming Invincible’s Reins for yourself, you’ll need to venture into the Icecrown Citadel on heroic difficulty. This isn’t a task for the faint of heart; it’s a trial that tests your mettle against some of the toughest enemies in the game. But the reward is unmatched – a ground mount that epitomizes prestige, with a ghostly appearance that commands respect.

Ashes of Al’ar

Venture into the heart of The Eye within Tempest Keep and you might emerge with the Ashes of Al’ar, a mount that sets the sky ablaze with its vibrant, fiery plumage. This legendary phoenix, more akin to a cloud serpent in its majestic flight, isn’t just a rare drop—it’s a statement. Defeating Kael’thas Sunstrider, the formidable foe who holds the reins to this prize, is no small feat. But the chance to possess one of the coolest mounts in the World of Warcraft universe drives many adventurers to face him.

Once the Ashes of Al’ar fall into your hands, you’ll see why it’s a collector’s dream. Its rich, incandescent hues and the trail of flames it leaves in its wake make it a head-turner in any Azeroth sky. And while the starting price for such a legendary creature is steep in terms of time and effort, the prestige that comes with riding this celestial bird is priceless.

Mimiron’s Head

Plunge into the mechanical depths of Ulduar, and you may lay claim to Mimiron’s Head, a futuristic flying mount that epitomizes the pinnacle of gnomish engineering. Unlike the camel mount’s desert charm or the elegance of a cloud serpent mount, Mimiron’s Head offers a unique experience as a smooth mount that hovers with technological grace. Its distinct design stands out among the variety of mounts available, promising to turn heads as you soar through Azeroth’s skies.

Securing this mount isn’t for the faint of heart—it’s a testament to your dedication and perhaps a touch of luck. Mimiron’s Head drops from Yogg-Saron, the final boss in the Ulduar raid, but with a low drop rate, it remains a rare treasure. Once you’ve conquered the odds, you’ll find its sleek, mechanical aesthetic is more than just eye candy. This mount provides a swift and steady ride across the expansive terrains of World of Warcraft, a testament to gnomish prowess and the adventurous spirit of those who manage to harness it.

The Mighty Caravan Brutosaur

Step into the realm of luxury with The Mighty Caravan Brutosaur, the most prestigious land mount in World of Warcraft, which doubles as a traveling marketplace. This colossal beast isn’t just a mount; it’s a statement. Towering over other players with its impressive stature, it boasts an auctioneer and a vendor for your convenience. You can buy and sell goods on the go, making it the ultimate tool for traders and collectors alike.

You’ll need a hefty sum of gold to add this behemoth to your collection, as it’s one of the priciest mounts in the game. Though it was once available for purchase from a vendor, it’s now only found on the Black Market Auction House, where the bidding war can drive the price sky-high.

But the investment is more than just a status symbol. It’s about efficiency and flaunting your achievements. Whether you’re crossing vast deserts or bustling through capital cities, the Brutosaur commands attention and respect. You’re not just riding; you’re parading your triumphs for all of Azeroth to see.

Onyxian Drake

Soaring through the skies of Azeroth, the Onyxian Drake embodies the fierce legacy of its namesake, Onyxia, the broodmother of the Black Dragonflight. This majestic mount is more than just a status symbol; it’s a piece of World of Warcraft history. When you mount up on this fearsome drake, you’re not just flying — you’re making a statement.

The Onyxian Drake drops from Onyxia herself in the Onyxia’s Lair raid, but don’t think you’ll snag it on your first run. It’s a rare drop, which means you’ll likely be revisiting the broodmother more times than you can count. But when you finally see that icon light up your loot window, the sense of achievement is unparalleled.

Its sleek, obsidian scales shimmer with a sheen that catches the light as you dive and climb through the clouds. The fiery eyes and menacing spikes add to its formidable appearance, ensuring that wherever you land, you’ll draw envious glances from fellow adventurers.

Pureblood Fire Hawk

Embodying the primal essence of fire itself, the Pureblood Fire Hawk is a rare and coveted mount that drops from Ragnaros in the Firelands raid. As you soar through Azeroth on this blazing beast, you’ll leave a trail of flames in your wake, ensuring you stand out in any crowd. The Pureblood Fire Hawk shimmers with intense heat, its feathers flickering like the tongues of a thousand tiny flames.

Earning this mount isn’t for the faint of heart. You’ll need to conquer the fiery depths of the Firelands and face Ragnaros, one of the most formidable foes in World of Warcraft. The drop rate is notoriously low, making it a mark of prestige for those lucky enough to claim it.

Once you’ve obtained the Pureblood Fire Hawk, it’s more than just a mount; it’s a statement. It says you’ve braved the inferno and emerged victorious. It’s not just about getting from point A to point B—it’s about the journey and the challenges you’ve overcome to ride such a spectacular creature.

Time-Lost Proto-Drake

While the Pureblood Fire Hawk offers a fiery spectacle, the Time-Lost Proto-Drake presents a different kind of rarity in the skies of Azeroth. You’re not just chasing a mount here; you’re embarking on a legendary hunt.

The Time-Lost Proto-Drake is a rare creature that spawns only in the stormy peaks of Northrend’s Storm Peaks. Its rarity isn’t just about low drop rates—it’s about the challenge of finding it. You’ll need patience and perhaps a bit of luck, as this drake can take hours or even days to track down. It’s a true test of your dedication to mount collecting.

But once you do find it, the reward is a majestic beast that signifies your mastery over one of the game’s most elusive challenges. Riding the Time-Lost Proto-Drake isn’t just about showing off an impressive mount; it’s a status symbol. You’re soaring on a creature that many have searched for but few have found. Its unique bluish hue and prehistoric design stand out, making it one of Azeroth’s most sought-after treasures.

Fathom Dweller

Diving into the mysterious depths of Azeroth’s oceans, you’ll find the elusive Fathom Dweller, a mount that offers a unique aquatic journey unlike any other. With its otherworldly, jellyfish-like appearance, this mount isn’t just a means of travel—it’s a statement. Its tentacles undulate gracefully as you navigate through the water, turning heads with its bioluminescent glow.

To claim the Fathom Dweller as your own, you’ll have to embark on a quest that’s as enigmatic as the mount itself. You won’t stumble upon this one by chance; it requires solving riddles and uncovering secrets hidden in the Broken Isles. It’s a true testament to your dedication and adventurous spirit.

Once you’ve unraveled the mysteries and summoned the boss that drops this coveted mount, the real challenge begins. Defeating the formidable Kosumoth the Hungering is no small feat, but the reward is worth the effort. The Fathom Dweller doesn’t just enhance your underwater expeditions; it’s a rare treasure that sets you apart from the crowd.

If you’re after a mount that combines rarity, beauty, and the thrill of the deep sea, look no further. The Fathom Dweller awaits, ready to take you on an aquatic adventure that’s as majestic as it’s memorable.

Mottled Drake

From the ocean’s abyss to the skies above, the Mottled Drake offers a stark contrast with its soaring elegance and rare, patchwork hide. You’ll find this magnificent beast isn’t just a means of transportation but a statement of grandeur.

With wings dipped in a palette of earthy tones and a smattering of vibrant specks, it’s as if Azeroth’s vast landscape has been painted onto its scales.

You won’t stumble upon the Mottled Drake by mere chance; it’s a treasure reserved for the most dedicated of collectors. This mount first appeared as a loot card in the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game, making it a coveted item for those who cherish exclusivity in their mount collection. It’s a prize that whispers of prestige and rarity whenever you glide through the capitals of your faction.

Mounting the Mottled Drake, you become the envy of the plains, the jewel of the joust, the apex of aerial adventures. It’s not just about getting from point A to point B; it’s about the journey, the style, and the legacy you carry with you as you traverse the world of Azeroth.

Astral Cloud Serpent

Harness the cosmos itself as you ride the Astral Cloud Serpent, a celestial marvel with scales that shimmer like the night sky. This rare mount isn’t just a statement of your accomplishments in World of Warcraft, but also a testament to your dedication and patience.

The Astral Cloud Serpent is a drop from Elegon, the star-flung boss in the Mogu’shan Vaults raid, and its rarity makes it one of the most sought-after mounts in the game. You’ll need to join forces with fellow adventurers to conquer the Vaults and hope that fortune favors you when Elegon falls. The mount’s rarity is due to its low drop rate, making each attempt a thrilling gamble. But don’t let that discourage you; the prestige that comes with passing through Azeroth astride this serpentine constellation is second to none.

Its unique model and the way it glides through the air set the Astral Cloud Serpent apart from more common drakes. When you take to the skies on its back, you’re not just traveling from point A to point B—you’re making a statement with every flight. So, set your sights high, and the Astral Cloud Serpent could be yours.


As we’ve explored some of the most coveted mounts in World of Warcraft, it’s clear that the journey to acquire these spectacular creatures is as epic as the mounts themselves. Each mount showcases not just a unique look, but also represents the triumphs and challenges you’ve overcome in Azeroth.

Whether it’s through mastering a raid, completing a grueling questline, or being lucky with a rare drop, you’ve earned a symbol of prestige that sets you apart on the battlefields and in the cities of this vast world.

You’ve seen the fiery majesty of the Ashes of Al’ar, felt the celestial wonder of the Astral Cloud Serpent, and perhaps you’ve even envisioned yourself atop the elusive Time-Lost Proto-Drake.


There you have it, the crème de la crème of Azeroth’s mounts, each a feather in your cap and a testament to your dedication.

Whether you soar on celestial wings or parade on prehistoric might, these mounts are sure to turn heads and spark envy.

So saddle up, adventurer; your epic journey awaits, and with one of these steeds at your side, you’re bound to carve your legend under the vast skies of World of Warcraft.

Happy reading!
