Top 10 Easy WoW Mounts to Collect

Majestic mounts make the world of Azeroth more accessible, and you’ve likely set your sights on acquiring some of the most straightforward steeds in ‘World of Warcraft.’ As a seasoned adventurer, you know that not all mounts require an arduous grind or the blessing of fickle fortune.

From the swift Bronze Drake to the stately Albino Drake, some can be obtained through manageable quests or achievements you might overlook in the vastness of gameplay. You’re about to discover the top 10 easy-to-collect mounts that won’t have you running in circles for countless hours.

Stay with me, and you’ll soon learn how to bolster your stable with impressive beasts that are both easy to obtain and a joy to ride across the diverse terrains of Azeroth.

Bronze Drake

The Bronze Drake is a guaranteed drop from Infinite Corruptor in The Culling of Stratholme on Heroic difficulty, offering a straightforward mount-collecting opportunity for players.

You’re in luck if you’re hunting for some of the coolest mounts in World of Warcraft without the hassle of low drop rates. This sleek drake isn’t only a stylish addition to your flying mounts arsenal but also one of the more easily obtainable mounts.

To add the Bronze Drake to your mount collection, you’ll need to delve into the Caverns of Time and navigate the Heroic version of the Culling of Stratholme dungeon. Here’s the catch: you’ve got to reach and defeat the Infinite Corruptor before he escapes, which happens if you take too long to clear the dungeon. Time is of the essence!

Once you’ve handled the dungeon’s challenges and dispatched this foe, the Bronze Drake is yours for the taking. There’s no need to cross your fingers for a lucky drop; it’s a sure thing.

This mount is a testament to the classics, proving that some of the best rewards in WoW don’t always require grinding endlessly. It’s a must-have for any serious collector looking to soar the skies in style.

Albino Drake Acquisition

For collectors aiming to expand their assortment with minimal fuss, acquiring the Albino Drake involves a different kind of challenge: earning the ‘Leading the Cavalry’ achievement. This cool mount doesn’t require you to defeat elusive bosses or engage in lengthy quests. Instead, you’ll need to demonstrate your dedication to mount collecting.

To achieve this, you must accumulate 50 different mounts. While that might seem daunting, remember that there are hundreds of mounts available in World of Warcraft. Some are low-hanging fruit, easily obtained through vendors or as quest rewards. Others might take a bit of time and effort, like those earned through reputation grinding or as drops from dungeons and raids.

As you begin your mounts to farm, consider tackling those that are less time-consuming first. This will quickly boost your count. Check your progress in the Achievements tab; once you hit the 50-mark, the Albino Drake will automatically be added to your collection.

The albino drake acquisition is a testament to your commitment as a collector and adds a prestigious ride to your stable.

Black War Bear

Embark on a capital adventure and secure your Black War Bear by completing the ‘For the Horde!’ or ‘For the Alliance!’ achievement, which tasks you with slaying the leaders of the opposing faction’s cities. This coveted mount is a symbol of your PvP prowess and is one of the ground mounts that doesn’t require you to face heroic difficulties in dungeons or raids.

To execute your Black War Bear strategy, you’ll need a strong raid group. Unlike the racial mounts which you can obtain solo, the Black War Bear demands cooperation and coordination. Begin by assembling a team that can handle significant PvP combat. You don’t just face the city leaders but also opposing players who’ll defend their leaders fiercely.

Next, plan your route. The key to success is striking quickly and with precision. Use your faction’s capital cities as staging areas to regroup and heal. Prepare for resistance and be adaptable; sometimes you’ll need to fight your way through, other times a stealthy approach may be best.

Twilight Drake

Swoop into the Obsidian Sanctum raid beneath Wyrmrest Temple to claim the Twilight Drake, a mount that requires you to defeat Sartharion with all three twilight drakes still alive. This task might sound daunting, but with the right twilight drake tactics, you’ll be soaring on one of the game’s most awesome mounts in no time.

Firstly, you’ll want to ensure that your gear is up to snuff. While not one of the rarest mounts, the Twilight Drake’s drop chance is a guaranteed 100% when you meet the conditions. So, gear up to withstand the increased damage from keeping the drakes up. It’s a straightforward fight; just focus on Sartharion, ignoring the other drakes.

Remember, the key here is survival. Use your cooldowns wisely and keep an eye on your health. With modern dragon mounts being all the rage, adding the Twilight Drake to your collection will certainly turn heads. Utilize area-of-effect heals if you’re in a group, and if you’re soloing, be ready to self-sustain.

Stay calm, execute these tactics, and the Twilight Drake will be yours. It’s a showstopper that’ll make your friends green with envy and elevate your mount collection.

Garn Nighthowl

Venture into the frostbitten lands of Draenor to hunt the mighty Garn Nighthowl, a mount that drops from the formidable beast Nok-Karosh. Unlike the elusive felsteel annihilator, the Garn Nighthowl offers an accessible yet prestigious mount option for adventurers of all levels.

Found in the snowy expanse of Frostfire Ridge, Nok-Karosh is a challenge you can tackle solo or with friends. To begin your quest, journey to the coordinates (13,66) where Nok-Karosh reigns. Be prepared for combat; although not as tough as some elite enemies you’ll encounter atop Kun-Lai Summit, this foe requires strategy and strength.

Once defeated, Nok-Karosh will drop one Garn Nighthowl, ensuring that whoever lands the killing blow can claim their prize. Group up to increase your chances, and make sure to decide who takes the mount beforehand to keep things fair.

Adding the Garn Nighthowl to your collection won’t just give you a cool ride—it’ll become a favorite mount among your stable for its unique, fierce appearance. Don’t miss out on this relatively simple pursuit to secure a prestigious mount that stands out in any adventurer’s collection.

Sea Turtle

While hunting the Garn Nighthowl offers a thrilling chase on land, uncovering the secrets of the Sea Turtle mount requires patience and a penchant for fishing in Azeroth’s vast waters. This elusive mount isn’t just about luck; it’s about knowing where to cast your line.

You’ll find the Sea Turtle in the waters of Northrend, Pandaria, and Draenor by fishing up the rare catch from any school of fish.

Firstly, you’ll need to boost your fishing skill. The higher it is, the better your chances of reeling in this unique mount. Don’t forget to grab every fishing buff you can, including lures that increase your skill level temporarily.

You’re aiming for schools of fish, as the Sea Turtle doesn’t bite just anywhere. Keep an eye out for pools with distinct names like ‘Shipwreck Debris’ in Pandaria or ‘Sparse Firefin Snapper School’ in Northrend.

Green Proto-Drake

To add the vibrant Green Proto-Drake to your mount collection, you’ll first need to earn the trust of the Oracles in Sholazar Basin. Begin by completing the questline that starts with ‘Playing Along’ from Tracker Gekgek at Frenzyheart Hill. Once you’ve proven yourself to the Frenzyheart Tribe, you’ll betray their trust during the quest ‘A Hero’s Burden’ and side with the Oracles.

After you’re friendly with the Oracles, purchase a ‘Mysterious Egg’ from their quartermaster, Geen. It takes seven days for the egg to hatch, potentially revealing the coveted Green Proto-Drake. Unfortunately, it’s not a guaranteed drop; you might find an Aged Yolk or companion pets instead. Persistence is key!

Here’s a tip: buy a new egg immediately after the cooldown resets to maximize your chances each week. And don’t forget to check your alt characters—if they’re also friendly with the Oracles, they can buy and hatch eggs, too, multiplying your opportunities.


You’ve journeyed across Azeroth, soaring with Drakes and prowling with Bears, but as fate would have it, your mount collection just got cooler. Whether by the sea or in the stars, these easy-to-acquire mounts add flair to your adventures.

Coincidentally, they might make other adventurers green with envy. So saddle up, because your epic story isn’t just about the battles you win; it’s about the impressive steeds you ride into glory.

Happy hunting!
